S:CORT (Stratification in Colorectal Cancer)

S:CORT is an MRC and CRUK funded UK-wide multi-disciplinary stratified medicine consortium of clinicians, healthcare professionals, academics and scientists. The team seeks to apply cutting edge molecular diagnostic and histopathological technologies to improve and tailor the treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Currently, clinicians prescribe chemotherapy, biological therapies, radiotherapy and different types of surgeries on the basis of only a few tumour morphological, genetic and demographic features. This means that many patients receive limited benefit from treatment with significant deleterious side effects (e.g. neuropathy). By undertaking comprehensive molecular analyses of tumour samples from CRC patients and correlating them with response/clinical outcome, S:CORT researchers hope to provide clinicians and patients with additional diagnostic tests and treatment options so that patients receive the optimal treatment combination.