NCI Tumour Analysis Workshop 2022-2023
The United States’ National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a world-leading organisation in cancer research. As part of the training and development that they provide, the NCI is currently running a 12-session course entitled Emerging Approaches for Tumor Analyses in Epidemiological Studies.
The Wedge group have collaborated with Dr. Maria Teresa Landi and her group at the NCI for a number of years, including in the Sherlock-Lung project. These fruitful connections continue to build, as members of the Wedge lab are providing their expertise to the delivery of this course.
On March 28th, 2023, Chris Wirth will be giving a lecture, together with Dr. Tongwu Zhang, on Tumour Evolution. The lecture covers areas such as heterogeneity, subclonal reconstruction, and timing estimates of the events within cancer evolution.
On April 20th, 2023, David Wedge will be giving an invited talk - “Tumour evolution in diverse human populations”. This is an area of importance to the Wedge group, as highlighted by David’s recent “highly commended” recognition at the University of Manchester’s Making a Difference Awards, in the “Outstanding contribution to equality, diversity and inclusion” category.
We are pleased to be able to contribute to this useful workshop, and excited to continue our collaborations with the NCI.