PanProstate Cancer Group Meeting - Madrid 2023

Following the success of 2022’s meeting in Camogli, members of the PanProstate Cancer Group (PPCG) reconvened in Madrid in April 2023 to share their progress and enrich their collaborations. The April 2023 meeting was expertly organised and graciously hosted by Geoff Macintyre and his group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO). The team would especially like to thank Bárbara Hernando, a postdoctoral researcher in the Macintyre group, for her tireless work organsing the conference and liaising with IT support to ensure that the hybrid meeting went without a hitch.

The Wedge group showed up in full force with David Wedge, Maria Jakobsdottir, and Lucy Barton attending the meeting in person, and Atef Sahli holding down the fort in Manchester and joining remotely. David chaired the Technical Working Group session prior to the main meeting, where Atef presented updates on the progress of the technical working group and their marker paper. Maria, in turn, presented in the main meeting, sharing some of the work that she has been doing with the Hypoxia Analysis group on the relationship between hypoxia, genomic instability, and various other features in the PanProstate Cancer Group cohort.

It is an exciting time to be part of the PPCG, as the working groups are starting to reap the rewards of years of pipeline standardisation and data harmonisation. The list of publications that are in progress appears to grow with every meeting as the group members are shifting their focus to important biological questions in prostate cancer. Much like the previous meeting in Camogli, April’s meeting sparked a number of new collaborations and exciting discussions over tapas and Tinto de Verano. As we set our sights on the next PPCG meeting in Berlin, we are full of hope that the Wedge group will have managed to help push a few of the planned publications to completion!

G. Maria Jakobsdottir
G. Maria Jakobsdottir
Senior Bioinformatician

Computational cancer researcher with an interest in multiomics and data visualisation. Maria has a background in both lab-based and computational research.

David Wedge
David Wedge
Professor of Cancer Genomics and Data Science

My research interests include cancer genomics, tumour evolution, data science and machine learning.
