100,000 Genomes Project

The 100,000 Genomes project has whole-genome sequenced 25,000 cancers through Genomics England. Through the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Centre (BRC) Molecular Diagnostics theme, members of my research group are analysing the DNA sequences of colorectal, endometrial and testicular cancers from the 100,000 Genomes project, with the aim of extending the scope of precision medicine. Through the BRC, we are also using novel sequencing technologies to gain further insights into tumour heterogeneity.

David Wedge
David Wedge
Professor of Cancer Genomics and Data Science

My research interests include cancer genomics, tumour evolution, data science and machine learning.

Andreas Gruber
Andreas Gruber
Postdoctoral Research Associate / Data Scientist

Andreas has an educational background in both, informatics and molecular biology. Over recent years, he has authored a multitude of data science approaches, tools and webservices.

G. Maria Jakobsdottir
G. Maria Jakobsdottir
Senior Bioinformatician

Computational cancer researcher with an interest in multiomics and data visualisation. Maria has a background in both lab-based and computational research.

Avraam Tapinos
Avraam Tapinos
Postdoctoral Research Associate / Computational Biologist

My backround is in computer science with a focus on time series data mining in systems biology. My research interests include computational biology, cancer genomics, data mining, and machine learning.
